Florence Bank

School Savings Account
- No monthly service charges
- Preferred interest rate
- Child receives their own account register
- Monthly statement mailed to home address
How can my school participate?
Starting the Saving Makes "Cents" Program At Your School Is Easy!
To get the program started, Florence Bank will need:
1. Written approval from:
Public schools - school committee approval.
Parochial schools - the superintendent.
Private and independent schools - the dean or headmaster.
2. Completed School Participation Form
3. Help coordinating the support of volunteers to operate the program.
Once Florence Bank receives written approval from the school along with the information on the School Participation Form, the Saving Makes "Cents" program can be set up very quickly.
A representative from the bank will get together with a representative (volunteer) from the school to design a Saving Makes"Cents" program especially for your school.
Teacher's Guide
The Massachusetts State Treasurer's Office has developed a comprehensive group of lesson plans to accompany the Saving Makes"Cents" program. Please click here for the Teachers Guide located on the State Treasurer's website.
More Information
The Massachusetts State Treasurer's Office has a great deal of resources specifically developed to accompany the Saving Makes"Cents" program. Please click here to access the resources located on the State Treasurer's website.
Participating Schools
Crocker Farm Elementary
Fort River School
New Hingham School
Berkshire Trail
Ryan Road School
East Meadow School
Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion
Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion
Bridge Street School
Jackson Street School
Pelham Elementary
Pelham Elementary
Westhampton Elementary
Westhampton Elementary
Anne T. Dunphy School
Helen E. James School
Anne T. Dunphy School
Helen E. James School
R H Conwell Community Education Center
R H Conwell Community Education Center